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UN Environment Programme- Global Environment Facility Biosafety Clearing House Education Materials
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Stakeholders' curricula summarize all the available training resources and outlines model curricula for each of the stakeholder groups.
There are several Modules available in PDF format, which provide a range of information from introductory material to in-depth review. Most manuals contain interactive exercises and detailed walk-throughs of the steps required for each activity.
There are two interactive training modules designed to enable users to understand the concepts introduced in Training Modules 1 and 2 in a hands-on manner. The modules are designed in Macromedia Flash. Please feel free to download and install the interactive modules.
There are several interactive case studies designed to assist users in applying the concepts covered in the various training modules.Case Studies on Finding InformationCase studies on submitting data and users' managementInformative Case studies to build essential knowledge of the protocol and countries' obligationsMini -Case studies
01. The Biosafety Clearing House Information Route. 02. Speed Quiz. -
There are several reference handouts available that provide quick overviews of frequently used parts of the BCH and may be used as desk references after training is complete.
These are cards with different scenarios for discussion that can be used throughout the training along with the answer keys.
01. Discussion Points. 02. Discussion Points Answers. -
The available quiz questions provide quick interaction with participants and an easy way to gauge understanding of different uses of the BCH and may be used throughout the training.
"Scavenger Hunt" is a game-like Questionnaire that improves learning dynamics.
01. Quick Quiz Cards. 02. Quick Quiz Cards Answers. 03. Scavenger Hunt.